

I’m Gina I’ve been a cam lady for about 15 years. I started on Cams then moved on to Streamate. Now I’m every place looking for the sexy ๐Ÿ†&๐Ÿ‘ . ๐Ÿ˜‹ Since I’m getting older I figured before I get too old I would try to share my info with others. When I started there was no help and there was a ton of crazy rules and low payouts. Now its much easier to find out info but the rules are even more crazy.ย  Sorry for the sloppy writing but I’m in a rush, not much time before I’m doing naughty things with my walker and cane (Knowing my luck I will get banned๐Ÿ˜ฅ ) .ย  Really I’m not that old yet and I will never tell.๐Ÿ˜

Have fun